Please read the items below before sending your images.

  • Entry process and checklist
  • Name your files as lastname-firstname-01, lastname-firstname-02, etc.
  • Please remove any identifying logos, signatures, or image names.
  • Upload your image(s) in any of the follow formats .JPG, .JPEG .PNG, or .TIFF. The file size can not exceed 4MB. There are no width or height restrictions.
  • If you use the “save and continue later” option make sure you copy the link and save it to your desktop to return to the form later.
  • If you have trouble uploading your images, fill out the online form below for each of your entries and share your files via Dropbox or email. Thank you for your patience.
  • Please contact ASAI if you have any questions or problems entering the competition.

You will need to login to your membership account to submit your entries.