About Me

Dede Christopher
Architectural Illustrator/Architectural designer
Ms. Christopher has over 36 years of experience in design, planning and architectural Illustration. In 2017 Ms. Christopher joined The Urban Collaborative, LLC, and is the primary architectural illustrator for most of the UC’s projects. Her watercolor and SketchUp renderings help illustrate the UC’s Master Planning and conceptual Architectural design story for each project, focusing the illustrations on key design strategies. Prior to joining the Urban Collaborative, Ms. Christopher was founder and principal of Christopher Illustration, a company dedicated to the development of healthy urban environments and sustainable design strategies. For over 28 years her firm served clients in the US and abroad providing planning, architecture, and illustration services to many award-winning projects. Ms. Christopher has attended over 160+ design charrettes and planning workshops worldwide as a facilitator, designer, and illustrator. Her work has been published in numerous periodicals, books, and educational texts in the fields of architecture, landscape architecture, urban planning, and sustainable design. She is a longtime member of the American Society of Architectural Illustrators and for many years was the chair of the Board of Zoning Appeals in her local town, as well as the Downtown Design Review Board. Ms. Christopher currently volunteers with Meals on Wheels in Eugene, OR. Ms. Christopher holds a Bachelor of Science in Architecture from Clemson University and a Master of Architecture from the University of Tennessee.
Phone Number
3030 Ellen Ave Eugene, OR 97405