Designated Entry


We invite you to include one of your pieces in the printing of the AIP catalog by purchasing two copies advance copies at a discounted rate of the upcoming printing. Contributions to ASAI in this way ensure that your work is getting exposure through mailings and distributions of the AIP catalog.

Architecture in Perspective, our annual catalog, has become a valuable chronicle of our profession for almost 40 years. It provides inspiration for professional illustrators, students and the public. It is a sourcebook for clients or a marketing vehicle for the profession. It is a remarkable cultural artifact that has communicated ideas about architectural illustration the world over. There is nothing like the Architecture in Perspective catalog in the way it documents the role of imagination and observation in cultural expression, represents unrealized visions or helps to create constructed environments.

To make this possible, order your two advance copies today and simply email a hi-resolution file of your image selection to ASAI, from your competition entries. Please send your email with the subject “Designated Artists Entry”.

Thank you again for your continued support of ASAI and the Architecture in Perspective and I look forward to seeing you at the conference.