Al Forster, “My Architecture in Perspective Experience”

Dear ASAI Membership, My wife and I just returned home to The Sea Ranch from a 5200 mile driving trip over 8 states, the focus of which was the yearly ASAI/AIP Conference, this year AIP 32, held in Houston, Texas. For those who couldn’t make it this year and didn’t hear my story, I attended […]
Member, Jane Grealy, wins “Drawing from Nature” Category from ArchiGraphicArts 2016-2017

Standing on my toes at our back fence, I sometimes chat with my neighbour Maria. I love her garden, the chaos at the back, the organized garden beds, and the bright red geraniums that ring her clothesline. Maria and her husband came from Italy after the second world war and with many other European migrants, […]
Your copyrights are about to change {video}

This video was recorded by Will Terry with guest Brad Holland. The information below is information that Will has provided in the description of his podcast. Please watch the video to get a better understanding of what is at stake and then TAKE ACTION and send your letter. Read a previous Artist Alert here Artists! […]
Artists Alert: The Return of Orphan Works Part 2 – ARTISTS’ LETTERS

Two weeks ago, we warned that Congress is drafting a new US Copyright Act. The new recommendations would resurrect the failed Orphan Works Act of 2008. But there are new proposals that go far beyond Orphan Works. The Copyright Office says that these artists’ issues are also “ripe” for legislation: copyright small claims, resale royalties, […]
Convergence: 30th Anniversary Issue

Inside this issue of Convergence: ASAI 30th Anniversary Conference, AIP 30 in Toronto Last Year – Dallas Conference Notes 2015 President’s Letter Anniversary Message from one of our co-founders ASAI History at a Glance People in Illustrations, Jen Mahoney Vice President Greeting Member at Large AIA Convention DOWNLOAD FULL ISSUE HERE
Artists Alert: From the Illustrators Partnership

The Return of Orphan Works Part 1: “The Next Great Copyright Act” For more than a year Congress has been holding hearings for the drafting of a brand new US Copyright Act. At its heart is the return of Orphan Works. Twice, Orphan Works Acts have failed to pass Congress because of strong opposition […]
CFE Deadline: Architecture in Perspective 30 CASH PRIZES AWARDED

American Society of Architectural Illustrators celebrates 30 years of excellence in architectural illustration. To commemorate this special occasion cash prizes will be awarded for some of the top recipients selected for the AIP 30 exhibition. See the website for more details. Deadline for entries: Professional Competition: Monday, January 12, 2015 at 5pm EST Student […]
An Architect Who Got Side-Tracked

ASAI’s co-founder, Steve Oles is the new avatar for SketchUp 2015. From SketchUp: Paul Stevenson (Steve) Oles, FAIA, is an architect and co-founder of the American Society of Architectural Illustrators. He is also the author of “Architectural Illustration: The Value Delineation Process” and a former winner of the Hugh Ferriss Memorial Prize. Steve takes pleasure […]
Understanding the Kirby Case: ASAI joins Amicus Brief for Kirby v. Marvel Comics, Disney

by Cynthia Turner and Dena Matthews The ASAI has joined an amicus brief filed in support of famous comic book artist Jack Kirby. Kirby’s heirs have appealed to the Supreme Court to intervene and correct a lower court decision to deny Kirby his termination rights through the spreading use of a controversial test that was […]