We are so excited to announce the selected artists for the 35th Architecture in Perspective Professional and Student Competitions.

A Different Process

Architecture in Perspective 35 Professional Jury Zoom Meeting

It has been a long standing tradition that the adjudication of the professional competition is done in person. We are aware that digital advancements make it possible to carry these proceedings virtually, but we have always felt that meeting in person for this event allows for dialog that flows differently in person then via video conferencing. In fact, conversation about trends, traditions, history and the future media are encouraged during the jury process. This year, we did not have the option to meet in person. For weeks and weeks Gordon Grice, Sergei Tchoban and I were in constant contact regarding the events of the world and how the COVID-19 pandemic might effect world travel until it became obvious. Travel bans were in effect and we were staying put.

On Saturday, March 28, 2020 on a Zoom video conference we met with jurors Uli Hanisch, Prof. Katrin Günther and Christoph Sattler. Also in attendance was Gordon Grice, competition mediator, Sergei Tchoban, ASAI 2020 President and myself, Tina Bryant, Executive Director of ASAI. While the dialog was different during the video conference the results were the same. The jurors were impressed and inspired by entries from ASAI members. Difficult choices were made. Every year it is difficult to see great images denied a place in the exhibition, but it is this unique process of having different jurors every year from different countries, different industries, different experiences that creates an annual archive of the architectural illustration and visualization industry.

Even with these unique circumstances we are proud of the work that our members create and it was a delight to scroll through all the images that were sent in and share them with jurors.

Architecture in Perspective 35 Student Jury Zoom Meeting

The student jury met via the typical video conference on Thursday, May 7, 2020. Sergei Tchoban, Manfred Ortner and Christoph Langhof viewed the student entries for selection. One of the jurors shared some of the titles of the large book collection he had behind him and even introduce Gordon Grice to an artist he didn’t know about. If you know Gordo, then you know that’s hard to do! Haus Rucker, look him up. We have been delighted to see a growing mix of digital and traditional entries in the student competition. In accordance with these unprecedented times, after a  prolonged and spirited exchange among the jurors the competition committee decided to make a unique exception to allow 1 artist from the student competition to be chosen for two different juror awards.

The Show

In total there were 90 pieces selected to represent ASAI in the Architecture in Perspective 35 catalog and exhibition. An eclectic group of architectural illustrations and visualizations, digital and traditional work that represents today’s industry and the varied influences in education.

Dennis Allain was awarded his second Hugh Ferriss Memorial Prize and joins an elite group artists who’ve also attained this position. Other artists who also hold this two-time title are Thomas Schaller and Gilbert Gorski.

These images will be published in a printed catalog that will be added to the archival library that is Architecture in Perspective. There will also be an exhibition held at the Tchoban Foundation – Museum of Architectural Drawing. Given the situation of the world, we are still determining whether there will be a physical exhibition or a digital experience, but more on that later!

Congratulations to all the artists. We look forward to celebrating your accomplishment.

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