Artist Credit: Kenta Miyakawa
AIP 38 Hugh Ferriss Memorial Prize Winner

Architecture in Perspective 39

Deadline for professional and Student Competitions
May 1st, 2025 11:59pm est

About the Competition

ASAI is an international nonprofit organization open to anyone engaged in the serious pursuit of architectural illustration. Read more about our story.

The American Society of Architectural Illustrators invites professional and student illustrators from around the globe to take part in its annual Architecture in Perspective (AIP) Competition. An international juried competition that recognizes the world’s best architectural illustrations. Submitted artworks may be created in any 2D medium including drawings, paintings, renderings, and digital imagery.

The Competition’s top award — the Hugh Ferriss Memorial Prize — is considered one of the highest professional honors in architectural illustration.

Selected artists will be announced on the website and awards will be presented during the Conference. All award-winning entries and honorable mentions will be published online and in a commemorative AIP Catalog.

Each year, to challenge our members to explore the evolution and adaptation of the profession and the art form, we designate a Special Theme. The theme this year is:

 “ARTficial Intelligence”

Illustrators are free to interpret this theme in any way they choose—and submissions may or may not take advantage of AI in their creation.

But questions arise. Does AI require human intervention before ART can be created? Is all ART artificial? (Both words have the same Latin root, after all) Do you have a strong premonition about the world that AI is leading us into— professionally or generally?


AIP 39 is open to current 2025 professional and student members of the American Society of Architectural Illustrators. 

To become a member, or to renew your membership, please visit

Competition Sections & Categories

AIP consists of two Competitions, held on separate days, with separate Juries: The AIP Professional Competition and the AIP Student Competition.

The Professional Competition

The Professional Competition contains two Sections: The Rendering Section and The Observational Section.

The Rendering Section focuses on subject matter that is unbuilt. Subject matter may be proposed buildings and environments, self-commissioned works, or imaginary scenarios. Any two-dimensional medium may be used, including AI-assisted work. Illustrations may fall under the Formal Category (finished images such as formal renderings and presentation illustrations) or the Informal Category (sketches and gestural images).

Also included in the Rendering Section is a special Thematic Category that is redefined every year. This year’s theme is “ARTificial Intelligence.” (For details, see above.) Submissions in this Category will be judged according to artistic skill, architectural relevance, originality, impact, and responsiveness to the theme, regardless of artistic medium: traditional, digital, AI, or other.

The Observational Section includes field sketches, plein air drawings, and depictions of architectural subjects that are wholly existent at the time the work is executed.

The Student Competition

The AIP Student Competition is open to students registered in a full-time academic program. Submitted work may include Formal and Informal renderings, and illustrations of built, unbuilt and imaginary architectural works.

Awards & Prizes — Professional Competition​

The Professional Competition jury selects the finest architectural illustrations from a wide range of media, rendering styles and architectural subject matter for the exhibition and inclusion in the catalog. Awards are presented at the annual conference.
Hugh Ferriss Memorial Prize

For the rendering unanimously selected by the jury as the Best in Show.

Best Formal Rendering

For the most outstanding Formal illustration.

  • Free one-year ASAI membership
  • Commemorative award certificate
  • Featured in exhibition and catalog
Best Informal Rendering

For the most outstanding Informal illustration or sketch.

  • Free one-year ASAI membership
  • Commemorative award certificate
  • Featured in exhibition and catalog
Best Observational Illustration

For the most outstanding Observational illustration.

  • Free one-year ASAI membership
  • Commemorative award certificate
  • Featured in exhibition and catalog
Members’ Choice Award

For the most outstanding architectural illustration as voted by ASAI members, online.

  • Free one-year ASAI membership
  • Commemorative award certificate
  • Featured in exhibition and catalog
Juror Awards

For the illustration that each juror selects as their personal favorite, three awards are presented in The Rendering Section and three in the Observational Section.

Winners Receive

  • Commemorative award certificate
  • Featured in exhibition and catalog
Awards of Excellence

Outstanding entries selected for exhibition and inclusion in the catalog will receive an Award of Excellence certificate.

Awards & Prizes — Student Competition

The Student Competition jury selects the finest architectural illustrations from a wide range of media, rendering styles and architectural subject matter for the exhibition and inclusion in the catalog. Awards are presented at the annual Conference.

Henry Sorenson Student Award

For the most outstanding student illustration.

Student Juror Awards

For the illustration that each juror selects as their personal favorite. Three awards are presented

  • Juror’s Certificate of Merit
  • Featured in exhibition and catalog
Student Awards of Distinction

For illustrations selected for inclusion in the exhibition and catalog.

  • Certificate of Distinction
  • Featured in exhibition and catalog

Meet the Jurors



William Butler, a distinguished architect and partner at Pelli Clarke & Partners, has led large-scale cultural projects and master planning for over four decades across the US, Europe, and Asia. His notable works include Google’s Austin campus (Block 185), the Tokyo American Club, and the Minneapolis Public Library. Butler’s approach emphasizes collaboration, sustainability, and context-sensitive design, aiming to create transformative spaces. He taught freehand drawing at Yale School of Architecture for 14 years and incorporates this technique in his daily design process. Butler’s passion for architecture is reflected in his commitment to creating “joyful places that transform the way people experience the world,” enhancing communities globally through humanist design.



田中智之 たなかともゆき

Tomoyuki Tanaka; architect, professor at Waseda University

Numerous exhibitions including participating in “Civil Engineering Exhibition” in 2016 at 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT. He also held a solo exhibition at the Contemporary Art Museum, Kumamoto in 2019. Main publications include “Hyper Architectural Perspective Drawings: 26 Hand-Drawing Techniques for Manipulating Spatial Shapes” (Gakugei
Shuppansha, 2021). 


Grealy has enjoyed a successful career as an architectural illustrator since 1979, whose work is based on observation of both existing and imagined buildings, landscapes and spaces. She was the founding president of the Australian Association of Architectural Illustrators and served as president of the American Society of Architectural Illustrators. Since 2015, Grealy has gone on to feature as a finalist and prize winner for many national and international prizes including the prestigious Dobell Drawing Prize #23 in 2023. Her work is represented in many museums and galleries including in the Museum of Brisbane Collection.



Hera Kim is a Creative Director, AI Designer, and Florist based in Seoul, South Korea and is the founder of TINKERTAILOR Studio, where she merges art, nature, and technology. She is an AI Prompt Engineer and Art Director for projects in Paris, Dubai, and Milan. She has collaborated with Christie’s, & Other Stories, SpaceNK, Charles & Keith, and the Royal New Zealand Ballet. Recognized as one of the top 10 AI designers in 2023, Hera has received awards from the Korean Ministry of Culture and the Maekyung NFT Digital Art Contest.


As Senior Partner at Safdie Architects, Sean Scensor, AIA, combines his design expertise, advanced building technologies knowledge, and practice insight to drive many of the firm’s most significant projects. Guided by the belief that architects have an ethical responsibility to the public, Sean is committed to realizing designs with a strong sense of community, humane livability, and connection to nature. Sean has directed transformative projects such as the Albert Einstein Education and Research Center, Habitat Qinhuangdao, the Virasat-e-Khalsa Museum, Salt Lake City Public Library, and the Telfair Museum of Art.


Coming Soon

Coming Soon… 

Submission Fees


Individual and Corporate memberships include one entry into the competition. Additional entries up to a maximum of 10 entries are available at a discounted rate for members.

First additional entry: US $65.
Entry Blocks: US $155 for 4 additional entries or
                             $305 for 9 additional entries.


Students are free up to a maximum of five entries. Students MUST be currently enrolled in a full-time program and able to provide a current Student ID card at the time of entry.

Submission Guidelines

Artwork guidelines
  • Hand-done and digital architectural illustrations in any medium may be submitted
  • AI-assisted images are accepted provided the use of AI is declared at time of entry.
  • Artwork may be client-commissioned, self-commissioned, or imaginary works
  • Image type is not limited to perspective illustration and other two-dimensional artforms such as orthographic views, abstract imagery, composite views, collages, etc. are also eligible. 
  • Entrants should be certain that, if they don’t have sole ownership of the submitted image, they have other owners’ permission to publish the work.
Submission requirements
  • Join membership at
  • Submissions must be uploaded digitally
    • Maximum 4MB file-size (Larger images may be requested for publication)
    • Images may be any pixel dimensions
    • High quality JPG, PNG or TIF formats in RGB color mode
    • Images must be named as lastname-firstname-01, lastname-firstname-02, etc

Entry Process & Checklist

Terms and Conditions


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