Throughout the years I’ve had many questions related to ASAI and the Architecture in Perspective competition. I’ve put together some common questions along with a response and a little history. I hope you find this information helpful and get your submissions ready for the upcoming deadlines of the 35th Architecture in Perspective International Professional and Student Competitions.
Good luck!
MYTH: Only artists living in the US can participate in the Architecture in Perspective (AIP) professional and student competitions. I mean the organization is called the American Society of Architectural Illustrators, right?
FACT: The professional and student competitions are open to ANYONE in the world who would like to submit their work. We hope it’s obvious, but only students who are currently enrolled in University may enter the student competition.
HISTORY: Yes, we know it can be confusing that the name is the American Society of Architectural Illustrators. It’s a long story why that is so, but don’t let the name hold you up. From its inception ASAI has been an international organization.
MYTH: The AIP competitions only accept traditional entries.
FACT: Nope. It has been an ongoing belief that traditional and digital work can be put next to each other and judged side by side on the merits of the work, technique, and story of the image. One medium does not overshadow the other and displays an inclusive exhibition of diverse work created in the architectural visualization industry.
HISTORY: Check out the varied work from the most recent competitions AIP 33 and AIP 34. If you’d like to see a 34-year history of exhibitions think about starting your collection of catalogs chronicling the history of this industry.
MYTH: Entries for the AIP 35 professional competition need to have been created in 2020.
FACT: You may choose to submit work that you are proud of that has been done at any point in your professional career. In fact, even if it has been a piece that you already submitted, you can submit it again as long as it hasn’t already been included in a previous AIP exhibition.
MYTH: You must work solely as a professional illustrator to enter the Architecture in Perspective professional competition.
FACT: The AIP competitions are not limited to strictly illustrators, but are open to architects, designers, teachers, students, corporations, and anyone engaged in the serious pursuit of architectural drawing.
MYTH: You must be a sole proprietor to enter work.
FACT: Artists who work as a 1 person show or within a firm may enter the competition.
MYTH: There is no one behind the curtain at the ASAI headquarters.
FACT: Not a chance! Hi! My name is Tina Bryant. I am the Executive Director of ASAI and I am happy to assist you often available at non standard business hours to accommodate inquiries for artists all over the world. I do my best to be available at a time that is convenient for you. Email Me!