
Featured Project
Zelda Sofa Interior Scene
- Render, Interior, Archviz
- www.cgarchitect.com/features/articles/bc3599aa-making-of-3d-interior-scene-zelda-sofa
Hi, my name is Alberto Maciel. I'm a 3D artist originally from Brazil.
I was interested in computer graphics from an early age, in 2004 I started to venture into photoshop and illustrator, because of magazines I bought at the neighborhood store.
I started in the digital world by making vectors and montages in photoshop. I spent so much time doing this that soon 2D lost its fun for me and I started to venture into 3D.
In 2006 I was already immersed in 3D.
My dream initially was to be a digital artist at Pixar but the character and animation business in my country was extremely limited in season. My access to study content also prevented me from studying because I only had access to the internet on weekends and the content was not found as it is today. These limitations made me shift my attention and focus to a developing market in Brazil: Archviz.
In 2008, at the age of 18, I started working at Autodesk Brazil as a 3ds max instructor and since then, I haven't done anything else with my life and I intend to continue following my passion every day. I'm so addicted to 3D that when I'm bored, I do modeling and scenes just for the fun of doing them. In the places where I worked, they called me 3DAddict.
Design and computer graphics have always been present in my life, I've done many, many projects for free just for the passion to do.
Design is my life today is like music in a singer's life. I just can't imagine my life without it.
I started in the digital world by making vectors and montages in photoshop. I spent so much time doing this that soon 2D lost its fun for me and I started to venture into 3D.
In 2006 I was already immersed in 3D.
My dream initially was to be a digital artist at Pixar but the character and animation business in my country was extremely limited in season. My access to study content also prevented me from studying because I only had access to the internet on weekends and the content was not found as it is today. These limitations made me shift my attention and focus to a developing market in Brazil: Archviz.
In 2008, at the age of 18, I started working at Autodesk Brazil as a 3ds max instructor and since then, I haven't done anything else with my life and I intend to continue following my passion every day. I'm so addicted to 3D that when I'm bored, I do modeling and scenes just for the fun of doing them. In the places where I worked, they called me 3DAddict.
Design and computer graphics have always been present in my life, I've done many, many projects for free just for the passion to do.
Design is my life today is like music in a singer's life. I just can't imagine my life without it.
My main software is 3DS Max and Corona render for archviz and I have a bit distinguished methodology for creating 3D where I’m almost against post-production. Everything you see in my scenes is pure 3D. Direct from the frame buffer. I try to avoid post-production because I believe it’s a destructive workflow and it closes the doors (or makes it harder) to the possibility of animations afterward.
In this breakdown, I'm going to share some techniques I use in my visualizations and some of my thinking methodology.
In this breakdown, I'm going to share some techniques I use in my visualizations and some of my thinking methodology.
- #rendering
- #render
- #sofa
- #interior
- #3D
- #Archviz
About Me

Alberto Maciel Graniel Neto
Designer 3D Artist
Interior Designer/3D artist with more than 13 years of experience in Archviz
Phone Number
10232 Douglas Oak Circle, Tampa-FL 33610
Davinci Resolve
3DS Max
Photorealistic Exterior Rendering
Photorealistic Interior Rendering
3D modeling