About Me

Joseph Robson
Founding Director
Joe Robson is internationally recognised for his work in computer visualisations of architectural projects. He has worked with leading architects on some of the best known international designs of recent years, including with Renzo Piano in Paris on The Shard, with Rogers Stirk Harbour and Partners in London on NEO Bankside, Herzog & de Meuron in Basel on the Three Spires and KPF on the Hudson Yards site in New York. His work plays a fundamental role in the design process, helping designers and their clients, as well as planners and the general public, to understand, in testable and accurate ways, the visual implications of major urban projects. Robson established his practice in London in 2006, after a period helping to direct our CASA. The practice, Architectural Visualisation and Research (AVR), has grown to become one of only a handful of leading firms internationally to carry out computer hyper-reality visualisation and animation. More recently AVR have spearheaded the development of virtual reality within architecture, forming collaborative links with Epic Games, the developers behind the Unreal Engine, to build and host the first fully interactive immersive exhibition of ‘unreal versus reality’ in the Virtualrealism exhibition of 2015. During his Presidency of the Society of Architectural Illustration (2011 -2014) he published ‘Drawing on Architecture’, the first collection of the Society’s work since its origins in the early 1970s.
Phone Number
AVR London 6 David Mews Greenwich London, UK SE10 8NJ